Schools & Libraries
The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District serves over 9,200 students from pre-kindergarten through high school. The district covers 25,600 square miles – larger than the entire state of West Virginia! Within Seward, KPBSD operates elementary, middle (7-8th grade), and high school.
KPBSD has a "school profile" tool to learn more about our schools:
Elementary School Profile:
Middle School Profile:
High School Profile:
Higher Education
Seward is the primary base for the Alaska Vocational Technical College – offering applied technologies, building trades, information technologies, the U.S. Coast Guard-approved Alaska Maritime Training Center, and home of the Alaska Culinary Academy.
University of Alaska Fairbanks’ Seward Marine Center, home of the R/V Sikuliaq, Is a major marine experimental facility – the northern-most university marine station in the U.S. The facility provides access to saltwater laboratories and the coastal environment, supporting research vessel operations and shore-based fishery and marine science research. The Center partners with the Alaska SeaLife Center and the Alutiiq Pride Marine Institute to position Seward as a research base for marine research and arctic studies.
The Seward Community Library & Museum is operated in partnership between the City of Seward, the Resurrection Bay Historical Society, and Friends of the Seward Library, and offers youth programs, computer access, and community resources, in addition to a showing of the 'Waves Over Seward' earthquake movie daily during the summer months.